Rich Rewards: Cultural Diversity and Heritage Practice
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Part 3 Establishing a Heritage Committee

10.1 Aims of the Heritage Committee

Where there is broad interest in developing culturally diverse heritage practices it may be beneficial to establish a committee. The functions of the committee could include

Establishing a committee could be the central output of the workshop. Ethnic communities may like to adopt the workshop to develop community wide awareness of and interest in heritage with the aim of developing ongoing initiatives.

10.2 At the Workshop

Having identified further initiatives in the final session, the facilitator could begin a discussion on how these initiatives may be achieved, and invite people to develop a committee. If there is agreement that this is the best way to proceed, you should set a date for a meeting - where the committee can be formed. It is important to allow communities and organisations the opportunity to discuss representatives for the workshop. You can also use this time to follow up any new initiatives or organisations identified on the day. The date of the meeting should allow for plenty of notice.

The facilitator may not be available to participate in the committee. If this is the case the meeting will need to nominate a person to organise the meeting.

10.3 Planning the meeting

To plan the meeting you should adopt a similar approach to the used to prepare for the workshop. To plan for the meeting

10.4 The Meeting

Set aside between 1-2 hours for the meeting

The agenda for the meeting should include

10.5 The Make-Up of the Committee

The committee should be as representative as possible. It should include members of ethnic communities, the cultural network and any other organisation or individual that has a valuable contribution to make to diverse heritage practice in your area

Each community will have a range of ideas as to the nature and representation of the community, its size, the formality of its positions and how these positions should be filled. It is important to allow time for these issues to be resolved through discussion

They may agree that the committee have formal positions with a quota of representatives or be more comfortable with a loose structure. As a minimum, however, it is recommended that the meeting agree on a chairperson and secretary.