George Bouletos – A Journey From Greece To Australia

From There To Here

» Read the Greek version of this story

Author: Sarah Bouletos
Storyteller: George Bouletos
Community Language School: Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Afternoon School
Main School: Bexley North Public School

My father’s memories of life in Lemnos and then settling in Australia.

Life in Greece

My dad lived in Lemnos, an island of Greece. His home had 3 bedrooms. It was full brick, cement rendered and white. My dad always used to get up early. My dad’s parents worked on a farm. My dad used to help feed the sheep. My dad would help my uncle. They would harvest wheat on a tractor.

My grandmother would often cook lamb and potatoes. She used to bake the bread. They would have salad usually as the tomatoes and cucumbers were grown on one of the farms they had.

A special family day would be a Saints day which are celebrated in Greece. These are big celebrations which are held on certain days where food and drinks are prepared for guests when they arrive. Often traditional music is played and people dance during the celebrations.

My father often remembers my grandmother and grandfather saying ancient stories and myths. My grandmother would relate certain incidents that happened during the day to an old story she knew.

The journey to Australia

My father was 24 years of age when he left Greece to come to Australia. My father came to Australia because he fell in love with my mother. My dad flew to Australia. The journey to Australia was pleasant and sad. Pleasant because he was going to see my mum, and sad because he was leaving his family.

When my father first arrived in Australia he was greeted by my mother at the airport. My mother took him to Brighton Beach for coffee at a café where my father said that Sydney was nice and clean.

My dad lived at his mother and father-in-laws home to be.

Adapting to life here

My dad’s thoughts of Australia haven’t changed. It was very hard to learn English in Australia. He did correspondence for 1 year. After that he went to night school for another year.

The farms in Australia are very similar to the farms in Greece. The city life in Sydney is very similar to the city life in Greece.

My dad now considers Australia to be his home although we have been to Greece twice.

Sarah Bouletos.