From Cyprus to Wollongong

» Read the Greek version of this story

Author: Sam Patrinos
Storyteller: Andriani Gregariou
Community Language School: Wollongong Greek School
Main School: Wollongong High School

An interview with my grandmother about his life.

Where did you come from?
I came from a small island country called Cyprus, in the Mediterranean sea. My village was called Palekithro.

Describe the village where you lived.
Even though it was a small village, it was very nice. Many of the houses in the village where hand-built by the owner's. Many houses had farms, and because the village was small everybody knew each other, like a big family.

Describe a typical day for your family.
I would cook breakfast for my family then do a little housework, I would prepare lunch and we would eat quickly so we could finish our chores. When I finished the housework I would work on the farm, and I would have food cooking for dinner. When the dinner was ready we would sit down eat and relax.

What where some special celebrations?
Christmas, the Orthodox Easter and Name days, Birthdays were not that important.

How old were you when you left Cyprus?
I was 42 years old. I was married with 9 children, 7 children came with me, my 2 eldest sons came later because they were soldiers in the war.

Why did you come to Australia?
I had relatives in Australia that could supply me with a Visa.

How did you come here?
I came with a plane.

What did you bring with you?
I didn't bring anything because I had nothing to bring, it was all taken in the war.

What was the journey like?
The Journey was fine, ordinary thank God. On the trip I was not sure if me and my family would make it to Australia safely but we did.

Where did you first live when you first arrived in Australia?
I lived at my sister-in-laws house in Wollongong.

What did you think of Australia when you first arrived?
I liked Australia very much and I was very grateful to have made it here after the war. My husband got a job at the Steelworks as soon as he applied. We had an opportunity to start again.

Have your thoughts changed?

What was it like learning English?
I didn't learn English, because I looked after my children and my house so I never got a chance to go to classes.

Have you been back to Cyprus?
Yes 3 times.

Has it changed?
Yes it's changed dramatically because all the properties are under Turkish occupation.

What things are similar about Australia and Cyprus?
The jobs and the way of life.

What things are different?
The language and the population, because …

What things do you miss most about your country?
My family, the culture, religion and the festivals.