A joyful marriage celebration |
Rachel & Neill
Author: Megan Wynne-Jones, Getting Married project
Getting Married: On the edge of a cliff, under the traditional Jewish hoopa, the couple, dressed in orange, receive the seven blessings of a Jewish wedding. They are accompanied by a gypsy band to the nearby bowling club for the hora circle dance and an orange cake...
A Jewish wedding with a twist
On the clifftop
From 4pm on a sunny, breezy day in May, the groom and guests have been waiting
on the clifftop. On the ground is a huge orange spiral made of furry fabric
on which the couple will stand for the ceremony. Orange bows and stars adorn
the area. Orange, the colour of fire and passion and purification, is everywhere.
Neill is dressed in an orange paisley suit and orange clogs.
Finally the bride is here, delayed by the orange taxi which had been ordered
but never arrived. The gypsy band -– tuba, accordion, violin and singer
– begins to play. Dressed in a short orange frock with a long orange train,
and wearing long black patent leather boots, Rachel begins her walk to the clifftop.
Her four year old son from a previous marriage, Ruben, also dressed in orange,
is with her. Four bridesmaids, clad in black with orange trimmings, hold over
her the four poles of the orange hoopa or marriage canopy, whilst a fifth carries
her train.
When the bridal party has reached the clifftop and Neill has joined Rachel
under the hoopa, Nitza Lowenstein, the Jewish civil celebrant, introduces
herself and welcomes everyone to the wedding. Rachel's two brothers, dressed
in orange and wearing long black wigs, read Rumi's poem, “The Privileged
The moon has become a dancer at this festival of love.
This dance of light, this sacred blessing, this divine love,
beckons us to a world beyond
only lovers can see with their eyes of fiery passion.
Under the hoopa - the vows and the rings
Next, Nitza explains to the guests the significance of the hoopa. It
represents the home that the married couple will create in their new life together.
Traditionally the talit or men's prayer shawl would have been
used as a canopy, but these days it can be made from anything, and many brides,
like Rachel, make their own.
With Neill and Rachel under the hoopa, one of the bridesmaids reads
another Rumi poem:
My arrow of love has arrived at the target.
I am in the house of mercy
And my heart is a place of prayer.

The bride arrives
Now Neill and Rachel hold hands. They make their pledges – for richer
for poorer, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish
and respect. For the exchange of rings, they have written their own vows, reflecting
the deep emotional commitment at the heart of their relationship. Neill begins.
(Neill) With this ring, I thee wed, with these arms I will hold
you, with these eyes I will cry with you, with this heart I will love you eternally.
Rachel follows with words she has especially composed for Neill.
(Rachel) I give you this ring, my darling Neill, as a symbol of
my decision to share my life with you in loving union. From my heart, my body
and my spirit I give you this in love.
In a moving moment, the couple also give Rachel's son Ruben a ring, to
symbolise his inclusion in their marriage. The rings they have chosen are spiral
shaped, to represent the fern leaf or koru in Maori, which according
to Neill is a symbol of new life, growth, the eternal, the feminine.
The wine and the blessings
Nitza now addresses the wedding party, relating the meaning of the sharing of
wine from a single cup: drinking celebratory wine universally symbolises joy,
it marks of the couple's common destiny, and it signifies the joining
together of their families. Neill and Rachel exchange drinks from a silver goblet
containing red wine which has been blessed.
Next, in a vital element of the Jewish wedding, Nitza reads the traditional
seven blessings in Hebrew. The blessings celebrate the bond of love, the power
that joins the couple, expressing gratitude for their happiness and union. Rachel's
mother provides the English translation. “…May all the world soon
ring out with the sounds of happiness, the voices of lovers in joyous celebration….”.
The breaking of the glasses, the wedding concludes
Nitza announces that she will now place the glasses at the couple's feet for
them to break. As Nitza tells the guests, this gesture signifies that in the
midst of the joy of the wedding, we recognise others' suffering. It also reminds
the couple that relationships can break down, and must be nurtured. Finally,
it is a sign of the strength of the lifelong partnership of marriage, in contrast
to the fragile glass.
Neill and Rachel, in their orange and black footwear, stamp on the two glasses,
which are wrapped in cloth. The relatives and friends shout “mazeltov!”
which means good luck.
The music starts up, orange rice is thrown over the couple, Nitza announces
them as husband and wife, and they sign the marriage papers. A final blessing
is made by Nitza: “We pray that they grow old together in health, happiness,
success and contentment and forever grateful for their lives.”
The wedding party makes its way, with gypsy music, to the nearby bowling club
for the reception.
Getting together
How it started…
I noticed Rachel on the dance floor, I only
saw her from behind.
He just noticed my bottom.
Yeah, and it was love at first sight.
And so began their relationship. Neill was the saxophonist with a New Zealand
band who had been hired to play in Sydney at a bat mitzvah, a Jewish
coming of age ritual and celebration for girls. They spotted each
other on the dance floor and by the end of the night had started talking. Over
the next few days their romance blossomed, and Rachel had a strong “gut
knowingness” that they had a future together. Neill had to go back to
New Zealand, but made plans to return.
Their relationship continued at a distance, sustained by emails, letters and
phone calls. Six months later, Neill left New Zealand permanently and moved
into Rachel's Bondi flat where she was living with her son.
Why marriage?

Married under the hoopa
The decision to get married came a month later.
It just clicked one day. I thought “I've got to marry
this woman”… All my life I've always thought when I'm 45 years
old I'm going to have a child and I'm going to be with somebody...
I reached 44 and felt really that it was time, and I really had quite a deep
urge to want to be with somebody in one place.
For Rachel, marriage the second time round feels very different. She is more
nervous and ambivalent about going through with her second wedding.
I feel like I'm in a new time, and marriage is
taking on a very new meaning in this age we're in, and I can't look
to my parents and see on what basis they married, or my grandparents to help
guide me….
For her the “well thought out decision” of an arranged marriage
might offer more comfort and understanding than one based on emotion. But her
bottom line is that feelings are what count.
I'm deeply in love and very committed and it's
worthy of celebrating and acknowledging.
As well as a public commitment, their wedding is also an opportunity to take
part in a meaningful ritual. They are both performers with a deep love of ritual
and ceremony of any kind.
The proposal
Late at night, under a full moon at the rocks in Sydney's beachside suburb
of North Bondi, Neill made the proposal. He had been carrying the ring in his
pocket for a month, looking for the right time. Finally, the moment arrived.
Getting down on one knee, he asked Rachel to marry him. Suddenly, out of a dead
calm sea came a huge wave which washed around them and then retreated. For them
both it felt like an anointment or a blessing on their marriage.
Leaping off
Rachel's Jewish roots have become more important to her in recent years,
and she wanted this to be reflected in their ceremony. Neill is of Scottish
ancestry and grew up in New Zealand. Although he is not religious, he has a
strong affiliation with Jewish culture, he plays Jewish music and mixes with
a lot of Jewish people.
They both wanted a Jewish celebrant and the elements of a Jewish wedding. To
this they have added rituals and symbols from other cultures that have important
meaning for them, and have chosen vibrant colours and music that reflect their
style. They wanted the ceremony to take place near the sea and chose the clifftop
at Clovelly in the eastern suburbs of Sydney as the site.
Both Neill and I love the water. I love the ocean,
I have to be near it wherever I live… It's expansive, it's
free, it's wild and it's a place where it's easy to connect
with nature… It's where I feel a strong spiritual connection.
…It's also the feeling of leaping off for
me…leaping into the unknown, leaping into a new adventure… Where
the land meets the sea, that's where we feel our freest I suppose...and
I want to feel free when I get married....
The reception party
Inside, everything is orange. There are streamers, bows, flowers, napkins,
cutlery, candles and a huge orange floral heart with a centerpiece photograph
of the couple. The food, which has been provided by the guests, is laid out
in the centre of the room. A traditional Jewish wedding would also include a
special plaited bread called halla served at the reception.
After dinner the speeches begin with a moving one from Rachel's grandmother,
a Polish Jew and survivor of the concentration camps. Her marriage took place
in a refugee camp after the war, and lasted 55 years, until the death of her
husband. “Life experience is a very good teacher – it depends how
we take it. We always think that someone's grass is greener and are never
satisfied with our own. So Neill and Rachel, be grateful for what you have now
and may God bless you with good health, love, joy and fulfillment… I wish
you a very long and fruitful marriage. I love you both very much.”
Rachel's father also speaks, as do Neill and Rachel. Neill's sister
speaks first in English and then in Maori.
Nitza, the Jewish marriage celebrant
Nitza explains Jewish wedding traditions and rituals.
>> Read her story
Then the dancing begins. All the guests join in the circle dance called the
hora and sing hava na gila – “let's rejoice”.
The music and dancing gets wilder and suddenly Rachel and Neill are lifted up
on separate chairs and held high above the heads of the crowd and thrown around.
Out comes the wedding cake, in black and orange, and while the guests eat,
the night's entertainment begins. Neill's band provides most of
the music, while a juggler, rap singer, and talking mechanical dog keep the
guests amused until the early hours of the morning.
A wedding quite unlike any other.
Life together with a new arrival
After a brief honeymoon in Sydney, the couple began their married life together.
In the spirit of adventure and surprise to which they both aspire for their
relationship, not long after their wedding Rachel became pregnant. Their baby
girl, Nina Rose, was born on March 10, 2003.
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